The Trestle
This structure measures 1200 feet long and 130 high over the Ship Pond stream gorge on the Southeast end of Lake Onawa.

Borestone Mountain Sanctuary
On the western lakeshore of Onawa lies
Borestone Mountain. A majestic granite top and steep side covered
with trees. A trail, somewhat strenuous, leads to the top and an
awe-inspiring view. The mountain was owned by Robert T. Moore through the 50's, 60's and 70's. Mr. Moore had a seaplane
which he would land on one of the three mountain lakes. He would fly
down to Onawa and offered us children seaplane rides. It was my
first time in any airplane.
He and his wife Katrina, remained on the
mountain, allowing all (two legged and four legged) to climb
whenever. Upon his passing in the 80's, the land was given to the
Audubon Society for a mountain sanctuary and preservation.
Unfortunately, four legged best friends were no longer allowed.
Today, the Audubon Society runs the lodges, the road up the mountain and the hiking trails. A small fee is charged, but the hike is worth
the fee and the sore muscles. The first half of the hike is the road
up to the visitor center and facilities. Once here, you can rest a
bit, sign in and move forward when ready.
You can actually view climbers atop the peak as well as peregrine falcons. Bring binoculars. Continue on the marked trail to the summit for a 360 degree view of the Maine vista.